My name is Irina.

I help busy women RESET their health,
REGAIN their energy and BUILD healthy habits,
so that they can juggle their lives joyfully
and be the wives, mothers, boss ladies, and leaders they were called to be.”

Irina Chifor helping women with nutritional therapy in London

Hi! I’m Irina and this is my story.

As a mum of four, I had a tough ride from the start. My first child, Maya, had a cardiac arrest at 21 days old, resulting in severe brain damage. We spent the next 5 years being in and out of the hospital, in life-threatening situations. My second child had digestive issues, intolerances, hay fever and he is a fussy eater.

Looking for solutions from the specialists only led to disappointments, making me feel helpless. Something had to change and I decided to take the health of my children into my own hands.

Irina Chifor helping women with nutritional therapy in London

I delved into science and had amazing results through food, natural supplements and lifestyle changes. I applied all I learnt with my third pregnancy of twins, considered high risk, and I delivered them naturally, at full term.

They are now thriving 6-year-olds.When they turned one, I went back to college and 4 years later, I qualified as a nutritionist.

I now help busy women over 30 reset their health, regain their energy and build healthy habits, so that they can stop feeling overwhelmed and be the mothers, wives, colleagues and boss ladies they were called to be.

How I help my clients get results

I use science-based and personalised nutritional and lifestyle interventions, that alongside coaching, are proven to get results again and again. There is no one size fits all, so I use state of the art testing to make sure the health plan is targeted and personalised to your health – testing, not guessing our way to better health.

Click below book a 20 minute health check call to see how I can help you.

Ready for change?