RESET your health, REGAIN your energy, BUILD healthy habits.

Hi, I’m Irina and I am a nutritionist specialising in women’s health. If you are ready to take charge of your health, you’re in the right place.

I help busy women RESET their health, REGAIN their energy and BUILD healthy habits, so that they can juggle their lives joyfully and be the wives, mothers, boss ladies and leaders they were called to be.”

Is your health less than optimal?

Do you suffer with one or more of the following symptoms?

·  Lack of energy

·  Brain fog, lack of concentration, memory loss

·  Irritable, fluctuating moods

·  Insomnia

·  Weight gain

·  Blood sugar imbalances

·  Migraines or headaches

·  Food intolerances

·  Digestive symptoms

·  Skin issues

·  Depression

·  Anxiety

·  Frequent colds/flu

·  Thyroid issues

·  Heavy or painful periods

I can help!

You probably had blood tests done and everything came back fine, but you feel anything but fine! That’s because you are not in diagnosable parameters yet, so you are told to come back and retest a year later.

NOW, is the time to do something about it! From optimal health to disease takes years and even decades. The key is intervening early enough, so that you can address imbalances and lower your chances of getting to the diagnosis of disease stage.

NOW is the time to shift our mindset and realise that without our health, we cannot be the mothers, wives, friends and boss ladies we were called to be. So, prioritise your health today, and your tomorrow will thank you for it!

Let’s have a 20 mins FREE health chat to talk about your main concerns and to find out how I can help you.

My mission and values

I am passionate about helping people reach their full potential in life,

by empowering them to be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually.

Truth – Telling people what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear,

in order to truly help them.

Love – Showing love, compassion, grace and no judgement towards

where people find themselves on their unique health journey.

Excellence – Aiming to serve people to the highest level of excellence.

Get your free guide on how to support your immune system during winter!

Irina Chifor Ebook mockups Lead magnet free guide on how to support your immune system during winter

What my clients say

“I highly recommend Irina. With her extraordinary way of caring and professional guidance, I am finally building healthy habits, changing my mindset and regaining my energy.”

Elena Haisan

Let me serve you to the highest level of excellence today